<![CDATA[Sensory Imagery LLC - Blog]]>Wed, 15 May 2024 00:39:49 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[Indrio Savannahs Preserve & Eagle nest SL002 2023-2024]]>Sat, 02 Sep 2023 20:03:54 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/september-02nd-2023
Sept 1 2023 Harriet returns  and starts on the nest refurbishing
Whistling Duck Family 090223
<![CDATA[Eagle Nest SL002 2022-2023]]>Sun, 13 Nov 2022 16:24:39 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/eagle-nest-sl002-2022-2023The ISP eagles returned in September and diligently refurbished the nest.  Mating occurred in Early November and on November 9th Harriet went down in the nest for the first time. It appeared that eaglets may have hatched around Dec 10th by how the eagles were reacting in the nest.  On Dec 23rd a sub-adult came entered the nest area.. Might have been a previous eaglet.  Anxiously awaiting visual confirmation of eaglets!  Very Cold temps on Xmas eve and xmas...Confirmation of eaglets around Jan 10th...growing fast and the adults are staying busy with feeding them and changing the nest linens and even building up the nest ...

<![CDATA[Season 2021-2022]]>Thu, 18 Nov 2021 16:41:08 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/november-18th-2021
Nov 17 2021. Earliest I have ever seen them down on eggs.....
Adults were busy taking turns sitting on the eggs religiously.... 

Hatchings took place around Christmas...

​.first appearance of little fur heads was about two weeks later....as of 011722 both eaglets now can be seen getting fed...although one IS smaller and isnt quite big enough to get his body high enough for good photos....

​January 30, 2022....Adult invader comes to nest area...actually flies right up into the nest tree and immediately takes off.  Quite a scene and lots of eagle eeking!  Ozzie and Harriet went s nuts and protected their turf...this adult stayed around for about 30 minutes until finally run off for good.  

Adults are constantly adding nesting material to the nest...maybe.... remembering last year when the young one fell off ...they are good parents and constantly feeding the rapidly growing eaglets...
<![CDATA[Fall 2020 Season starts 091120]]>Sat, 12 Sep 2020 17:47:30 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/fall-2020-season-starts-091120

091120 Both eagles return and start fall cleaning of the nest..it will be quite the project this year. I hope they build it up some for a better view! 1-11 

ISP Wood Duck family​ 091220 Harriet doing a fly over the lake trying for the ducks ... 12-17

092020 ISP Wood Duck ..Evening Roost for Ozzie..ISP Night Bloom CactusFlower...ISPGWEgret...ISP WoodDuckfamily...ISPRoseate Spoonbill 

​November arrives with still no photos of mating and both around the nest but Harriet not down in for good yet.  Coopers hawks in the area and the cranes are still together...One sub Adult Eagle was perched on S Side of Indrio one day...probably an older youngster returning to his home area...and a wood duck pair on the lake.....

November 19 ...Eagles are mating and seem to be near the nest more often during the day.  Looks like Harriet will be going down to lay the eggs very soon....about the same time as last year.
Christmas was once again a wonderful time for our Eagles....their behavior changed and we knew some eggs were laid.....

Jan 11th brought absolute proof of two healthy eaglets..... 
The little ones get fed and sometimes both adults leave for the snag in the savannah to take a break...they are being excellent parents.

​The Cranes have gone to nesting in the Savannah about Jan 11th also...now I only see 1 at a time..have yet to locate the nest.

The Eaglets continue to rapidly grow.....the end of January sees them at about 5 weeks old and constantly being fed.  The savannah is seeing the migration of Robins at the moment and they dine on the pepper and yaupon trees....

Cranes take turns coming to Lake Tozour to feed and relax....still haven't located the nest! 

<![CDATA[End of March.....Fledging etc]]>Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:13:22 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/end-of-marchfledging-etc
<![CDATA[March 2020]]>Tue, 03 Mar 2020 16:08:33 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/march-2020
<![CDATA[Feb 2020 - growing fast]]>Sat, 22 Feb 2020 00:40:17 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/feb-2020-growing-fast
<![CDATA[Jan-Feb 2020 .   Eaglets Intruders and more ...exciting times]]>Fri, 14 Feb 2020 23:59:30 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/jan-feb-2020-eaglets-intruders-and-more-exciting-times
<![CDATA[January 2020 - Eaglets are growing fast and well attended.....]]>Tue, 28 Jan 2020 22:47:30 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/january-2020-eaglets-are-growing-fast-and-well-attended
<![CDATA[Christmas Time 2019 brought the birth of two eaglets to the Nest.....]]>Sun, 19 Jan 2020 02:07:23 GMThttp://sensoryimagery.com/blog/christmas-time-2019-brought-the-birth-of-two-eaglets-to-the-nestWelcome to the home of two eaglets at the Indrio Savannahs Preserve Bald Eagle Nest SL002.....We were finally able to get photos of the two young birds around Jan 8 of 2020......these are some taken between Jan 8 and Jan 18th......The adults are great parents and the eaglets seem to be fed constantly......I must say I was rather shocked to see the armadillo carcass in the nest.....a fine variety of food for the eaglets.....